Alternative Title: Meitantei Conan / 名探偵コナン
Genre: Detective, Mystery
Film Date: October, 2006
Total Episodes: 2
Japan Casts: Fukawa Ryo, Iwasa Mayuko, Jinnai Takanori, Kurokawa Tomoka, Nishimura Masahiko, Oguri Shun
This tanpatsu celebrates the tenth year of this popular Japanese anime, originally a manga created by Aoyama Gosho. The story takes place when Shinichi was still a high school student. The talented young detective Kudo Shinichi receives a message: "I will kidnap one of your classmates during your class trip." Shinichi is going to find out the truth.
Genre: Detective, Mystery
Film Date: October, 2006
Total Episodes: 2
Japan Casts: Fukawa Ryo, Iwasa Mayuko, Jinnai Takanori, Kurokawa Tomoka, Nishimura Masahiko, Oguri Shun
This tanpatsu celebrates the tenth year of this popular Japanese anime, originally a manga created by Aoyama Gosho. The story takes place when Shinichi was still a high school student. The talented young detective Kudo Shinichi receives a message: "I will kidnap one of your classmates during your class trip." Shinichi is going to find out the truth.
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