Alternative Title: グッドラック!!
Genre: Drama
Film Date: January, 2003
Total Episodes: 10
Japan Casts: Kaname Jun, Kimura Takuya, Shibasaki Kou, Tsutsumi Shinichi, Uchiyama Rina
Having achieved his life-long dream of being a pilot, Hajime is first officer on an international jetliner and is now working to become a captain. He can't seem to please Captain Kouda, who has become an exacting taskmaster since an air incident many years ago. To complicate matters, he begins a relationship with stubborn and straight-talking mechanic, Ayumi, whose parents died many years ago in the plane crash for which Captain Kouda feels he is responsible. What follows is a story of 21st century love, dreams, and passion.
Genre: Drama
Film Date: January, 2003
Total Episodes: 10
Japan Casts: Kaname Jun, Kimura Takuya, Shibasaki Kou, Tsutsumi Shinichi, Uchiyama Rina
Having achieved his life-long dream of being a pilot, Hajime is first officer on an international jetliner and is now working to become a captain. He can't seem to please Captain Kouda, who has become an exacting taskmaster since an air incident many years ago. To complicate matters, he begins a relationship with stubborn and straight-talking mechanic, Ayumi, whose parents died many years ago in the plane crash for which Captain Kouda feels he is responsible. What follows is a story of 21st century love, dreams, and passion.
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