Alternative Title: Power Office Ladies
Genre: Comedy
Film Date: April, 1998
Total Episodes: 12
Japan Casts: Esumi Makiko, Hosho Mai , Kyono Kotomi, Sakurai Atsuko, Takahashi Yumiko, Toda Naho
Shomuni (ショムニ) is a comedic TV drama serial based on the Japanese manga of the same name by Gumi Yasuda (安田弘之 Yasuda Gumi).
The stories revolve around the Office Ladies of General Affairs department 2 (Shomu ni, or GA-2) in a large multinational company called Manpan Corporation.
GA-2 is called "the graveyard for female office ladies", simply because it is the place where female employees are dumped should they mess up big time elsewhere. Jobs include replacing used toilet rolls, changing light-bulbs, organizing company outings among other menial stuff. As an added incentive, their department is located in the nether regions of the company - in the basement, and is in fact a disused store room.
Genre: Comedy
Film Date: April, 1998
Total Episodes: 12
Japan Casts: Esumi Makiko, Hosho Mai , Kyono Kotomi, Sakurai Atsuko, Takahashi Yumiko, Toda Naho
Shomuni (ショムニ) is a comedic TV drama serial based on the Japanese manga of the same name by Gumi Yasuda (安田弘之 Yasuda Gumi).
The stories revolve around the Office Ladies of General Affairs department 2 (Shomu ni, or GA-2) in a large multinational company called Manpan Corporation.
GA-2 is called "the graveyard for female office ladies", simply because it is the place where female employees are dumped should they mess up big time elsewhere. Jobs include replacing used toilet rolls, changing light-bulbs, organizing company outings among other menial stuff. As an added incentive, their department is located in the nether regions of the company - in the basement, and is in fact a disused store room.
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