Alternative Title: Pinkの遺伝子 / The Pink Gene
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Film Date: October, 2005
Total Episodes: 13
Japan Casts: Konno Narumi , Nakadoi Hiroki , Sakamoto Makoto
This is the beginning of the school year at Phoenix high school. Saito Natsu asks Kobayashi Taichi to go out with her. He accepts and they both cut class in front of their teacher's eyes. One month later. It's now time for Natsu to convince Taichi for a first kiss...
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Film Date: October, 2005
Total Episodes: 13
Japan Casts: Konno Narumi , Nakadoi Hiroki , Sakamoto Makoto
This is the beginning of the school year at Phoenix high school. Saito Natsu asks Kobayashi Taichi to go out with her. He accepts and they both cut class in front of their teacher's eyes. One month later. It's now time for Natsu to convince Taichi for a first kiss...
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