Alternative Title: The Violin Over Seas / The Violin
Genre: Drama
Film Date: November, 2004
Total Episodes: 2
Japan Casts: Ishizaka Koji, Kanno Miho, Kara Jorou, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi , Odagiri Joe, Shoufukutei Tsurube, Sugiura Naoki, Tanaka Kunie, Tanaka Yuko
This drama is based on the true story of Shogen Shin, a young boy growing up in Korea during the war. One day a traveling salesman who performs magic with a special instrument amazes him. Later on, he realizes that this magic is actually music coming from a violin. He is inspired by his teacher to start playing and learns a great deal about life. But when his teacher suddenly gets drafted for war, Shogen decides he should become inspiring to others like his teacher was for him. The drama is short (only two episodes long) but is a great story about a truly inspiring person.
Genre: Drama
Film Date: November, 2004
Total Episodes: 2
Japan Casts: Ishizaka Koji, Kanno Miho, Kara Jorou, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi , Odagiri Joe, Shoufukutei Tsurube, Sugiura Naoki, Tanaka Kunie, Tanaka Yuko
This drama is based on the true story of Shogen Shin, a young boy growing up in Korea during the war. One day a traveling salesman who performs magic with a special instrument amazes him. Later on, he realizes that this magic is actually music coming from a violin. He is inspired by his teacher to start playing and learns a great deal about life. But when his teacher suddenly gets drafted for war, Shogen decides he should become inspiring to others like his teacher was for him. The drama is short (only two episodes long) but is a great story about a truly inspiring person.
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