Alternative Title: 東京フレンズ
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Film Date: June, 2005
Total Episodes: 5
Japan Casts: Maki Yoko, Matsumoto Rio, Nagayama Kento, Sato Ryuta
Otsuka Ai plays the character of a small town girl who goes to Tokyo chasing after her dream, there she finds a part-time job as a waitress in a small restaurant where she makes new friends. This dorama focuses on Ai and her friends, their friendship and their problems. massaru
Genre: Comedy, Romance
Film Date: June, 2005
Total Episodes: 5
Japan Casts: Maki Yoko, Matsumoto Rio, Nagayama Kento, Sato Ryuta
Otsuka Ai plays the character of a small town girl who goes to Tokyo chasing after her dream, there she finds a part-time job as a waitress in a small restaurant where she makes new friends. This dorama focuses on Ai and her friends, their friendship and their problems. massaru
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